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Navigating the Social Maze: A 10-Point Guide to Boosting Social Skills

Writer's picture: Nathan Terey BS, MA, CHt., CAACNathan Terey BS, MA, CHt., CAAC

Updated: Jan 25, 2024


Social anxiety is a common and often debilitating condition that affects individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. It can manifest in various ways. The fear of judgment, rejection, or embarrassment can create a significant barrier to personal and professional growth. The good news is that social skills are not innate; they can be developed and refined over time. And the better news is that with the right strategies and mindset, individuals can overcome social anxiety and improve their social skills. In this post, I will briefly help you explore the roots of social anxiety, its impact on daily life, and practical steps to enhance social skills and build more meaningful connections. I will then provide a practical 10-point guide on how to increase your social skills.


Understanding Social Anxiety

Definition and Symptoms

Let’s begin by defining social anxiety. Social anxiety is more than just shyness; it's an overwhelming fear that can interfere with various aspects of your life. Recognizing the signs is the first step to overcoming it. Social anxiety, also known as social phobia, is an intense fear of being judged, criticized, or embarrassed in social situations.

Worry, embarrassed, social skills, concern, fear, therapy

Common symptoms include excessive self-consciousness (“what do I look like to others?”), fear of scrutiny (“Are they going to criticize me and judge me?”), avoidance of social events (“I would go out to dinner with my friends, but I just can’t be around anyone”), and physical symptoms  (think…trembling or sweating, difficulty making eye contact).


Causes of Social Anxiety

Social anxiety can stem from a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Some common contributors include a history of negative social experiences (saying something embarrassing and someone laughing at you in your past), a predisposition to anxiety (passed down in your genetic code, we call this “nature”), and learned behaviors from family or cultural influences (we call this “nurture”).


Impact on Daily Life

Social anxiety can significantly impact an individual's personal and professional life. Not wanting to be around others can cause one to isolate and may open the door and welcome in depression. At work, you may not be able to make that all important presentation that could get you the raise you desperately need. Ergo, social anxiety could lead to missed opportunities, strained relationships, and a diminished quality of life. Recognizing the impact is crucial for taking proactive steps toward improvement.


Nathan's 10-Point Guide to Boosting Social Skills

10 points to better social skills, increase social skills, positive growth, mental health growth


Understand your social anxiety triggers and patterns. Is it being at a social gathering around large groups of friends? Do you tend to avoid eye contact with people when you're involved in a conversation? Reflect on past experiences and identify specific situations or thoughts that contribute to your anxiety. This self-awareness is crucial for targeted improvement.


Challenge Negative Thoughts

Actively challenge and reframe negative thoughts. For instance, instead of thinking, "She probably didn't even notice me at the party" replace with "I think I made a great impression on everyone that was there. How could she not have noticed me?" Instead of assuming the worst outcome, consider more balanced and realistic perspectives. Cognitive restructuring helps break the cycle of self-doubt.


Set Realistic Goals

Establish achievable social goals. Start with small, manageable tasks that gradually expose you to social situations. Recently, I was just speaking with someone struggling with their social skills, and she communicated that she doesn't smile often and avoids eye contact with others. So we decided that her homework for the week was to smile at 3 people and make eye contact with 3 more. Make sure when you complete these challenges that you celebrate each success, reinforcing a positive association with social interactions.


Practice Active Listening

Enhance your communication skills by becoming an active listener. It often surprises me that people don't know the difference between active and passive listening. Focus on what others are saying, make eye contact, and provide thoughtful responses (active listening) rather than thinking about what you are going to say or how you will respond when the other person is done speaking (passive). This not only improves your social skills but also deepens your connections. And those of you that worry they are going to forget the details of what someone'll be amazed at how much you remember when you practice active listening.


Learn and Use Names

A simple yet effective way to boost social skills is by learning and using people's names (it helps if you are actively listening). It shows attentiveness and respect, making conversations more personal and memorable.


Body Language Mastery

Pay attention to your body language and that of others. Maintain good posture, use open gestures (what's the opposite of crossing your arms, because crossing your arms is not and open gesture), and be mindful of nonverbal cues (maybe don't point your finger at someone as this could be taken as an aggressive nonverbal cue). Positive body language fosters a welcoming atmosphere.


Expand Your Comfort Zone

Have you ever heard anyone say, "growth happens outside of ones comfort zone?" Well, if you haven't you just did, and it's a true statement. Gradually expose yourself to social situations outside your comfort zone. This could involve attending social gatherings, joining

comfort zone, growth challenge, worry less, growth, positive steps

clubs, or participating in group activities (which can also lead to new social connections and friendships). Each step forward contributes to your social growth.


Develop Empathy

I like using this word frequently. Because IMO we don't practice empathy enough right now in society. Cultivate empathy by trying to understand others' perspectives and feelings. This emotional intelligence not only enhances your social skills but also strengthens your connections with those around you.


Seek Constructive Feedback

Try not to view constructive feedback as criticism. We need to make mistakes to grow, and checking in with others and having them provide their perspectives can be very beneficial for our growth. Therefore, solicit feedback from trusted friends or mentors. Constructive criticism can provide valuable insights into areas for improvement, allowing you to refine your social skills effectively.


Stay Present

Maybe I should have listed this point first, because I believe it is at the core of helping diminish the anxiety we can feel in social situations. Typically if we are passively listening we are thinking about what to say in a conversation next, after the person we are speaking to stops talking. But understand that what you are doing in this moment is future thinking and you may not be aware, but future thinking is where our anxiety comes from. Stay tuned in and focus on the present moment (just exist) when in conversations with others.



It may seem like a lot to have to remember when you are engaged in a social situation. But remember, you don't have to practice every one of these social skills at once. Challange yourself to use one or two every time you engage with someone. And make sure that you keep at the forefront of your mind that overcoming social anxiety and improving social skills is a journey that requires time, effort, and patience. That means it's ok to cut yourself some slack.

By understanding the roots of social anxiety, utilizing therapeutic techniques, and actively working on enhancing social skills, individuals can break free from the shackles of social anxiety and cultivate fulfilling connections. Remember, the goal is not perfection but progress, and every step forward is a victory in the quest for social confidence and well-being.




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